火曜日, 10月 31, 2006

My friend

I have a very good friend.
Her name is "Nao Matsusita"
She is from Kagoshima and me too.
We speaks Kagoshima-ben.
When I talk with her, I feel I am in Kagoshima.
I love her very much.


Yesterday, we held party.
We eat 「YASEUMA」.
It is specialty of food in OITA.
It is very very delicious!!!

I was sick...

I had a headache, runny nose and sore sthroat.
Very very hard...
So I absent from school yesterday.
My friends sent me mail 「daijoubu?」.
I'm very very very happy.
I become good today.

月曜日, 10月 23, 2006


Do you know [rilakkuma]??
It is bear charactor.
I like it very very much!!
It is very cute.

月曜日, 10月 16, 2006

goood morning

I'm hungry.(><)

木曜日, 10月 12, 2006


Today, we listen to music of Beatles.
It is maybe love song.
I like love song.

月曜日, 10月 09, 2006


last saturday,I watched DVD 「taiyounouta」.
I wanted to watch it in the movie theater,butIcauldn't.
The DVD is love story,and very good story.

月曜日, 10月 02, 2006